Thursday 22 May 2014


“Oh yay, I finished that sci-fi book just on time! What’s next?”
 – “Oh, only 745 pages of fantasy.”

… And so the book race continues. Rumo is written by Walter Moers, a name you might remember from my blog about City of Dreaming Books. Rumo’s story also set in Zamonia, and briefly mentions some characters and places I’ve met and seen before in CoDB. I thought that was a nice touch, since the previous book was a nice experience and it gave me a clearer picture of Zamonia.
Rumo is about a Wolpertinger – a dog that can walk (on two legs), talk, and has two tiny horns on his head. The next seven hundred pages are all about him coming of age, learning what he is and how to fight, about him getting his first real sword and finding his true love. When the lovely lady is kidnapped, Rumo follows her all the way to Hell, where he meets all kinds of horrible things.

I loved having my nose in this book, because the creatures and events are all very original and creative. The only thing that bothered me is that Moers often Tells instead of Shows; and I was often tempted to skip the 10 pages describing the back story of a person or the origins of a city.

All in all though, I give this book a solid 8/10.
But if I ever see a cute dog walking on hind legs again, I’ll be looking for horns.

Until next time,


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